To many late nights watching the cricket perhaps? LOL.  What reference
material did you use to prepare.  I too am looking to upgrade from CSS1.

Andrew Larkins wrote:
> Bad news all - failed. I got 803 from the required 825.
> Comments:
> Another nasty exam comparable to the old design (CCDA) exam -
> bad English
> and some exceptionally vague questions. The new simulations
> were rather
> nice, but I feel robbed. There are many interpretations to some
> of the
> questions answers based on specific wording so I am interested
> in what / how
> Cisco determines as correct. Some of the answer choices had 2
> parts - one
> correct and other was total rubbish. Problem here is that not
> one of the
> answers to choose from was actually correct. I will not go any
> further here
> due to NDA.
> Anyhow - I think I will write in another 2-3 weeks. Some more
> preparation to
> go.
> Not quite CCSP yet - Andrew
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 02:54:33PM +0000, Andrew Larkins wrote:
> > Hi all, 
> > 
> > I am sitting my Cisco SAFE Implementation Exam tomorrow
> morning at 10am.
> Any
> > one with some last minute pointers??
> > Hopefully my CSS1 with be converted to a CCSP tomorrow!
> > Just before the salary review on Monday with the boss - so
> the pressure is
> > on
> > 
> > 
> > Andrew Larkins
> > BCom, CCNP, CCDP, CSS1
> > Bytes Technology Networks
> > A Division of Bytes Technology Group : Registration No:
> 1911/003874/06
> > A Member of the Altron Group
> > P O Box 748, Rivonia, 2128
> > 3 Eglin Rd, The Crescent, Sunninghill, South Africa
> > 
> > 
> > Tel  :  +27 11 800 9336
> > Fax  :  +27 11 800 9496
> > Mobile       :  +27 83 656 7214
> > Email        :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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