On Tuesday 17 February 2004 6:20 pm, Sam Miller wrote:

> I would like to apologize to the list and everyone who has had a problem
> with my posting, evidently due to my unfortunate choice of words. I
> didn't realize a Windows text string in Linux could trigger such a
> reaction.

Not a problem.   The reason your posting triggered ClamAV is that you chose to 
include the very string you'd discovered gets matched as a virus.   It's 
nothing to do with Windows or Linux - however (as far as I'm aware) not many 
virus signatures can be triggered by purely text strings - most need some 
binary content in order to avoid precisely this sort of thing.

> If this should happen again to me, how can I post without making this
> happen? Put the words in quotes or something?

No - the quotes would simply be before and after the detected string, making 
no difference to the string being detected or not.   You need to make some 
change *within* the string - such as Jim Mercer's excellent example of using 
a sed substitution to recreate the trigger string from a suitably neutered 
version of it.   (If you don't know sed or understand the substitution 
example he posted, just try something like I did - put *each* word within 
quotes, so that the composite string still doesn't quite match, but is clear 
to anyone who reads it.   I prefer Jim's method, however.)

> I'm looking up the information requested about the files right now and
> will forward as soon as possible.

Splendid :)



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