On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 02:24:17AM -0500, Jon Roland said:
> B. van Ouwerkerk wrote:
> >I've seen a message to this list about a GUI to maintain Clamav.
> What I'm calling for is not just a GUI to set up and maintain clamav, 
> but a more comprehensive setup/maintenance utility for the complete 
> package of MUA (Mozilla by default), fetchmail, sendmail, procmail, 
> milter, clamav, and spamassassin, or variants for some of these, like 
> postfix or qmail. In other words, something that will enable Windows 
> users to make an easy transition to Linux and adopt it for the critical 
> application of email. That means they should be totally relieved of the 
> need to know or provide anything but the name of their incoming and 
> outgoing mail servers, account name, and password, to set up email 
> service that filters out almost all spam, viruses, and virus warnings 
> silently, putting the rest into their inboxes and without further 
> intervention (other than "training" the system to more accurately 
> filter, and diversion of messages to folders on the MUA). Virus 
> databases should be updated automatically and silently.
> If members of this list are serious about getting Linux to displace 
> Windows, this is critical.

If it bugs you that much, write one.  This is open source, volunteer
driven work.  If you see something that you think needs doing, do it.
THe list you're sending to is for people interested in clamav, and
telling them that they must also write and maintain a utility that you
want isn't exactly fair.  Look into webmin and other similar things if
you like, or start from scratch.  I am happy with vim, but whatever
works for you.

|  Stephen Gran                  | Art is a lie which makes us realize the |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | truth.   -- Picasso                     |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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