
---- Wiadomość Oryginalna ----
Od: Stephen Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 17:03:06 -0400
Temat: Re: [Clamav-users] Re: [Clamav-users] Windows port ?

>On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 10:14:47PM +0200, <a target='_blank' 
>href="/?cmd=napisz&[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a> said:
>> >> Is there any reason why Windows port of clamav exists only based on
>> >> cygwin
>> >
>> >The reason is ClamAV is a native UNIX application, designed for
>> >e-mail scanning on mail gateways.
>> Looks like You don't want to compete with Windows Antivirus programs
>> ;-) This would be bad becouse I found mingw native windows port not
>> very complicated.
>Then feel free to do so - as you might have noticed, the source is open,
>and no one is going to stop you from porting it to any platform you
>like.  However, the _focus_ of the clam project is on Unix platforms.

OK - but backdoor/virus/malware/trojan/dialer etc is rather Windows related stuff 
isn't it ? Avoid this could be dangerous idea ;-)

Port to mingw will be ready soon (of course I mean only libclamav, freshclam, clamscan 
with minor fixes (like missed fork in Windows :-( All other is not portable in  simple 
manner ) - the main reason is  to allow creating on access scanner and proxy for email 
clients  in windows. Another question is if ClamAV team want such port incorporated 
into sources ?
Currently,I have some troubles with unrarlib; below is debug report part :

[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Initializing md5 list structure
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Loading ./main.cvd
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: in cli_cvdload()
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: CVD -> No creation time in seconds (old file format)
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: MD5(.tar.gz) = 65cfe3193203ba5ac9ef23de49ce7eba
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Decoded signature: 65cfe3193203ba5ac9ef23de49ce7eba
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Digital signature is correct.
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: in cli_untgz()
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Unpacking tmp-clamav-ef6ead25f8a2f5b8/COPYING
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Unpacking tmp-clamav-ef6ead25f8a2f5b8/viruses.db
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Loading databases from tmp-clamav-ef6ead25f8a2f5b8
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Loading tmp-clamav-ef6ead25f8a2f5b8/viruses.db
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Recognized RAR file
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: in scanrar()
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: unrarlib.c:2652:InitCRC Initialize CRC table
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: ExtrFile(): dup(3) = 4
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: Couldn't read next filename from archive (I/O error): 0
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: RAR: Number of archived files: 1
[Scan] LibClamAV Warning: RAR: Exit code: 0

I appreciate if someone could help me with this issue.

Also there is a problem with CVS in Windows : all archives from test directory are 
broken !!! I lost a couple of days to find that problem. Please test this files under 
Linux using CVS update and confirm if this is only Windows platform related.


>> By the way - I checked some Backdoor (about 173 I have till now) and
>> results are :
>> Panda Antivirus : 164/173 identified ClamAV CVS version: 58/173
>> identified
>> Sadly to say there is a long way ahead :-( (or maybe ClamAV is not
>> against Backdoors ?)
>Then submit them online.  Trolling without helping isn't getting
>anything done.

Of course.

Best Regards
Bogusław Brandys

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