Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
> How is that so?
> From daily.cvd's COPYING :
>    Isn't LGPL more suitable for libraries?

Why should it be? *IF* the authors chose to license it to you in a way,
which *only* allows you to incorporate it into Programs with GPL
compatible licenses, it should be respected.

> -   1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's 
> source code as you receive it, in any medium ...
>     He didn't distribute it. He just use it

He uses it in a program. He has to load it somehow.

> How is his using clamavdb (but does not distribute it), be different 
> from hosting appliances (Ensim, CPanel, etc) which uses numerous open 
> source programs on Linux (apache, mysql, and even clamav) but does not 
> distribute it? I don't see Ensim released as GPL.

He has to link the database *somehow* into his program. Look up what
the GPL has to say about that.

And: Hey, if you do not like the license of a program - do not use it.
It is simple as that. If you want to use it - fulfill the license. 

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