Peter J. Holzer wrote the following on 09/23/2004 12:53 PM :


What Remi can do:

1) Write a program (not using any ClamAV source code) which can read the
  ClamAV database (he did that already). This doesn't violate the GPL.

I won't bet a penny on this : as long as the only usable database is clamav's one, It may very well be that such a program is a "derivated work" as it is clearly not usable without clamav dbs.

2) Create a small database with only a few signatures (don't look at the ClamAV db, make this yourself). This also doesn't violate the GPL.

3) Distribute your program with your own database. This also doesn't
  violate the GPL.

4) Users will download the ClamAV database and use it with your program.
This is also perfectly legitimate.

Is it ? Don't they knowingly link a non-GPL program against a GPL library ? If the author of such a program advise to do so he could be liable too.

Now the question for the ClamAV developers is: Do they want the users of
Remi's program to download the db themselves or do they want to allow
Remi to distribute the db with his program. The end result in both cases
is the same.


I think we should get back to the original intentions of the developers, if they want programs loading the clamav databases to be GPL, it might be a good idea to clarify this matter by stating explicitly in the COPYRIGHT file that the database must be considered as a library in the GPL context as soon as a program load the content in order to use the sigs for scanning for viruses.
Isn't it the only matter subject to interpretation ?


Lionel Bouton - inet6
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