Scott Ryan wanted us to know:

>I am having a slight problem which appears to have stemmed from swapping from 
>tcp sockets to unix sockets. Every now and again, and across 5 identical 
>servers, i get a huge number of clamdscan processes, which prevents qmail 
>accepting smtp connections. I made the total random assumption that clamav 
>has a problem tearing down unix sockets under load.
>However, I would like to be able to prove this so I am looking for someone to 
>give some pointer as to where to start looking. 
>I would like to use unix sockets as I understand that there is not as much 
>overhead compared to tcp sockets, but this issue is causing me a bit of 

How many threads do you have set in clamd.conf?
Regards...              Todd
  We should not be building surveillance technology into standards.
  Law enforcement was not supposed to be easy.  Where it is easy, 
  it's called a police state.             -- Jeff Schiller on NANOG
Linux kernel   4 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.16, 0.15

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