On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Rob MacGregor wrote:

> From: Rob MacGregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: ClamAV users ML <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
> Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 09:58:17 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Report Phishing attacks?
> Reply-To: ClamAV users ML <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
> On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 17:01:48 -0400, Samuel Benzaquen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I can also say that they don't want to compete against
> > commercial AV vendors as I have read here 2^32 times that we
> > should use not _only_ clamav, but a list of AVs to improve the
> > chances to catch malware.
> Best practice for security always involves defence in depth.
> Basing all your protection on a single AV product, given that
> *none* of them are 100% effective, would be short sighted (and
> particularly given the current spate of attacks on AV products).

I believe this is what the commercial anti-virus company,
MessageLabs, does.  When I spoke to them a few years ago, they had
licenses for five anti-virus products.  Messages were fed through
the three they considered the best.

> Personally, I use clamav as the first line of defence.  It's rare
> for anything to slip through, but it happens (well, twice so far -
> and in each case by the time I reviewed the situation a signature
> had already been released).

We've a site licence for Sophos so I've been using this on our
mail servers for some time.  I've just started using ClamAV in
addition to Sophos and I'm very favourably impressed.  Statistics
for the viruses detected for the past week, 15th March to 21st
March, are appended below.  The table shows a significant number of
phishing attempts being rejected.  ClamAV also seems to be picking
up everything that Sophos detects.

I'll have to start quarantining suspect material that's only
detected by one virus scanner.  For example:

Virus                                          Count
-----                                          -----
Worm.Lovgate.Z ClamAV                             29
Worm.Mydoom.M ClamAV                              21
Worm.Lovgate.X ClamAV                              2
Worm.Mytob.C-2 ClamAV                              2
Worm.SomeFool.N ClamAV                             2
Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1 ClamAV                         1
Worm.SomeFool.P ClamAV                             1

where stuff is only being detected by ClamAV would warrant closer

Viruses detected between 15th March 2005 and 21st March 2005

Virus                                          Count
-----                                          -----
W32/Netsky-P ClamAV/Sophos                       640
W32/Netsky-D ClamAV/Sophos                       485
W32/MyDoom-O ClamAV/Sophos                       150
HTML.Phishing.Bank-1 ClamAV                      126
W32/Lovgate-V ClamAV/Sophos                       47
W32/Bagle-BK ClamAV/Sophos                        40
W32/MyDoom-N ClamAV/Sophos                        37
W32/Bagle-Zip ClamAV/Sophos                       30
W32/Netsky-Q ClamAV/Sophos                        30
Worm.Lovgate.Z ClamAV                             29
HTML.Phishing.Bank-107 ClamAV                     27
W32/Bagle-AG ClamAV/Sophos                        26
W32/Netsky-AE ClamAV/Sophos                       23
Worm.Mydoom.M ClamAV                              21
W32/Gibe-F ClamAV/Sophos                          20
HTML.Phishing.Bank-83 ClamAV                      17
HTML.Phishing.Postcard-3 ClamAV                   16
W32/Lovgate-X ClamAV/Sophos                       16
W32/Netsky-X ClamAV/Sophos                        16
W32/Bagle-AI ClamAV/Sophos                        15
HTML.Phishing.Bank-60 ClamAV                      13
W32/Bagle-N ClamAV/Sophos                         13
HTML.Phishing.Pay-14 ClamAV                       12
W32/Netsky-AB ClamAV/Sophos                       12
W32/Netsky-Y ClamAV/Sophos                        12
W32/MyDoom-AR ClamAV/Sophos                        9
HTML.Phishing.Auction-16 ClamAV                    8
HTML.Phishing.Auction-28 ClamAV                    8
HTML.Phishing.Bank-52 ClamAV                       8
W32/Bagle-AF ClamAV/Sophos                         8
W32/Lovgate-AJ ClamAV/Sophos                       8
HTML.Phishing.Bank-106 ClamAV                      7
HTML.Phishing.Bank-49 ClamAV                       7
W32/Netsky-C ClamAV/Sophos                         7
W32/NetskyD-Dam ClamAV/Sophos                      7
W32/Zafi-D ClamAV/Sophos                           7
HTML.Phishing.Bank-131 ClamAV                      6
HTML.Phishing.Bank-57 ClamAV                       6
HTML.Phishing.Bank-98 ClamAV                       6
W32/Netsky-B ClamAV/Sophos                         5
W32/Netsky-J ClamAV/Sophos                         5
W32/Sober-K ClamAV/Sophos                          5
HTML.Phishing.Auction-17 ClamAV                    4
HTML.Phishing.Auction-19 ClamAV                    4
HTML.Phishing.Pay-11 ClamAV                        4
HTML.Phishing.Pay-6 ClamAV                         4
HTML.Phishing.Pay-8 ClamAV                         4
W32/Kriz ClamAV/Sophos                             4
W32/Netsky-Z ClamAV/Sophos                         4
W32/NetskyP-Dam ClamAV/Sophos                      4
HTML.Phishing.Auction-27 ClamAV                    3
HTML.Phishing.Auction-36 ClamAV                    3
HTML.Phishing.Bank-121 ClamAV                      3
HTML.Phishing.Bank-79 ClamAV                       3
W32/Bagle-AU ClamAV/Sophos                         3
W32/Lovgate-F ClamAV/Sophos                        3
W32/Netsky-AD ClamAV/Sophos                        3
HTML.Phishing.Auction-14 ClamAV                    2
HTML.Phishing.Auction-32 ClamAV                    2
HTML.Phishing.Bank-3 ClamAV                        2
HTML.Phishing.Bank-78 ClamAV                       2
HTML.Phishing.Bank-81 ClamAV                       2
HTML.Phishing.Pay-12 ClamAV                        2
VBS/Redlof-A ClamAV/Sophos                         2
W32/Bagz-D ClamAV/Sophos                           2
W32/Dumaru-AK ClamAV/Sophos                        2
W32/Flcss ClamAV/Sophos                            2
W32/Klez-H ClamAV/Sophos                           2
W32/Mabutu-A ClamAV/Sophos                         2
W32/NetskyZ-Dam ClamAV/Sophos                      2
W32/Rox-A ClamAV/Sophos                            2
Worm.Lovgate.X ClamAV                              2
Worm.Mytob.C-2 ClamAV                              2
Worm.SomeFool.N ClamAV                             2
HTML.Phishing.Auction-33 ClamAV                    1
HTML.Phishing.Auction-40 ClamAV                    1
HTML.Phishing.Bank-119 ClamAV                      1
HTML.Phishing.Bank-129 ClamAV                      1
HTML.Phishing.Bank-28 ClamAV                       1
HTML.Phishing.Bank-68 ClamAV                       1
HTML.Phishing.Bank-70 ClamAV                       1
HTML.Phishing.Pay-1 ClamAV                         1
W32/Bagle-AA ClamAV/Sophos                         1
W32/Bagz-E ClamAV/Sophos                           1
W32/Bugbear-B ClamAV/Sophos                        1
W32/Bugbear-Dam ClamAV/Sophos                      1
W32/Bugbear-F ClamAV/Sophos                        1
W32/Lovgate-AD ClamAV/Sophos                       1
W32/Lovgate-W ClamAV/Sophos                        1
W32/Netsky-Dam ClamAV/Sophos                       1
W32/Nyxem-C ClamAV/Sophos                          1
Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1 ClamAV                         1
Worm.SomeFool.P ClamAV                             1
Dennis Davis, BUCS, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               Phone: +44 1225 386101

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