On Tue, 17 May 2005, Dennis Peterson wrote:

> What do you think the PTR for a host with 500 virtual domains might look
> like?
> dp

If the hosting company is some-hoster.com then (adjusting file pathing 
appropriately) it might look like so:

Forward: (/var/named/some-hoster.com)
  mail.some-hoster.com IN A

PTR: (/var/named/
  4 IN PTR mail.some-hoster.com.

The hosting company should send/receive from their mail server no matter 
how many accounts they have.  If they need more than one mail server, then 
use and call it mail2 or something.  The server should also spit 
out something like this when you telnet to them:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ewheeler]$ telnet mail.some-hoster.com 25
Connected to mail.some-hoster.com (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.some-hoster.com ESMTP mail relay.

By doing this, the rdns, fdns and 220 banner all match and senders should 
be happy :)


Eric Wheeler
Vice President
National Security Concepts, Inc.
PO Box 3567
Tualatin, OR 97062

Voice: (503) 293-7656
Fax:   (503) 885-0770


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