Markus Braun said:

[whackage happened]

> Hi,
> i looked at the Readme.DEbian and found this here:
>    To enable clamav in the Debian exim4 packages, add
>    av_scanner = clamd:/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
>    (or if you've chosen tcp sockets)
>    av_scanner = clamd: 3310
>    to the main configuration settings (a new file under
>    /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/ if split config is being used)
>    Then add the following to your data time acl:
>    deny  message = This message contains a virus: ($malware_name) please
> scan your system.
>          demime = *
>          malware = *
> I have addes this lines to my configuration, but the ZIP Eicar testfile
> comes directly in my mailbox, but i think some other virus mails are
> blocked. This is some text of the rejectlog:

> Can i test it with another virust test string?

A possible problem, I suppose, is that you're testing from a local account
and your system is not set up to scan mail from local accounts. Crazier
things have happened.


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