
during installation of ClamAV 0.88 (the package from Citrus, http://www.citrus-it.co.uk/clamav//) on a Solaris 10 system I get the following warnings:


The <SUNWzlibx> package "The Zip compression library

(64-bit)" is a prerequisite package and should be



The <SUNWbzipx> package "The bzip compression library

(64-bit)" is a prerequisite package and should be


On the Internet I found that the SUNWzlibx (64 bits version) for Solaris 10 is combined with the 32bits version (SUNWzlib), see e.g.:


The package SUNWzlib seems to be installed on my system. So no problem with SUNWzlib.

The package SUNWbzip has been installed as well, but it seems to be the 32 bit version:

A ‘file’ from bzip2 shows:

/usr/local/bin/bzip2: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped

I have some questions regarding SUNWbzip(x):

  1. Where can I get the 64bits version of bzip2? I.e. SUNWbzipx.
  2. Or is SUNWbzipx and SUNWbzip combined on Solaris 10?
  3. If the SUNWbzip package is missing, what is the impact for
     scanning with ClamAV? Is it just that bzip2 files cannot be scanned?

As I think this problem will show up during a full compilation of the sources as well, I thought to drop this question on this mailing list.



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