NO not at all.  I am stating that Windows Administrators are usually
hesitant to come to Linux due to the lack of commercial support and
communities.  When people (newbies) ask for help and get their heads handed
to them, it makes them a little more hesitant to use Linux, push Linux and
even want the box in-house.

I was one of those newbies (when it comes to new applications, still am.  I
repect the knowledge others have to part on me and I too find that man pages
are of littl ehelp unless you yourself are a coder - some of us are not.

Tis all.


On 9/6/06, Dennis Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Travis Rabe wrote:
> And one of the lrgest complaints from going from Windows to Linux is the
> lack of support and understanding from community groups.  WOW - so what
> he needs to be spoon fed?  I am sure all of us at sometime (if yoiu came
> form WIndows) needed to be spoon fed.  If you didn't - then great and
> for you.
> Spoon feed the guy, don't ridicule him.  Man.....

I don't see where there is any ridicule. Are you suggesting Windows
people are delicate little flowers than require a gentle touch? That
seems a bit of an insult.


Travis Rabe

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