At 12:49 PM 8/27/2007, Kaplan, Andrew H. wrote:
>I am prepared to upgrade our servers to version 0.91.2 of ClamAV, but I read
>several e-mails that mentioned
>operational problems with that version. Have these issues been resolved, or
>should I wait for the next version
>that is released later this year? Thanks.

AFAIK the only serious problems with 0.91.2 have been reported on 
Solaris, and apparently not everyone on Solaris is having trouble.

If you're using *BSD or a linux distribution, I wouldn't expect any 
trouble.  I believe 0.91.2 is truly an improvement over previous 
versions.  Of course, the wise admin would try it on a test server 
first regardless of glowing endorsements found on a public list ...

Noel Jones 

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