On 8/27/07 10:49 AM, "Kaplan, Andrew H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am prepared to upgrade our servers to version 0.91.2 of ClamAV, but I read
> several e-mails that mentioned
> operational problems with that version. Have these issues been resolved, or
> should I wait for the next version
> that is released later this year? Thanks.

I seem to be having some trouble with the Phishing detection.  See the
Possible problem with Phishing.Heuristics.Email.SpoofedDomain daily sigs
which I'm about to add to.

My problem is that the detection seems over-aggressive (and I can't seem to
turn it off).  This could well be a local problem here (and in any case
we're about to install a workaround which initially will treat a phishing
"hit" as a no-op).


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