On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:28:58 +0100
Brian Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, I realise that. I run clamd under user clamav, hence it's probably 
> easier to access /var/lib/clamav/* than it would be if owned by root.

Only freshclam needs a write access to the database directory so you can
setup a separate group for freshclam and only grant read permissions
for clamd and clamscan.

> Is the overhead of expanding a compressed signed database really that 
> high? I imagine that most of the signatures are held in memory and you 
> only need to read from disk at startup and when freshclam notifies clamd 
> of updated signatures. On a very busy server I can see it might cause a 
> problem, but on less loaded systems it could be acceptable.

In practice it only makes a difference to clamscan and not clamd. If you're
only using clamd or just want to save some disk space then just switch on
"CompressLocalDatabase" in freshclam.conf.

   oo    .....         Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  (\/)\.........         http://www.ClamAV.net/gpg/tkojm.gpg
     \..........._         0DCA5A08407D5288279DB43454822DC8985A444B
       //\   /\              Wed Apr 16 18:44:13 CEST 2008
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