On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:30:11 +0200 (CEST)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lanfranco Fabriani) wrote:

> Mogens Kjaer wrote:
> > 
> > Lanfranco Fabriani wrote:
> > ...
> > > clamd stop
> > > make uninstall 0.92.1
> > > make install 0.93
> > > ldconfig
> > > clamd restart
> > 
> > I would run freshclam before starting clamd.
> > 
> Is this necessary? In the years I never run freshclam before
> restarting clamd and the software always ran very well. The server
> of mine is a little mail server, so usually I try to switch off mimedefang
> and sendmail less time as possible.

The main.inc and daily.inc directories are no longer used, and the
databases have changed format. That's the reason for this advice as if
you run clamd without having updated you will get complaints from clamd
as it can't use the old databases.

> And today I found some upgrade notes that yesterday in the morning, when I 
> download the package, there was not there.

The upgrade notes were there on Monday on Sourceforge, well before the
Clamav home pages were updated.


Brian Morrison

bdm at fenrir dot org dot uk

   "Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud;
    after a while you realize you are muddy and the pig is enjoying it."
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