Tomasz Kojm wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:49:59 +0100
> Brian Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> And might someone explain what this change is about, how it improves 
>> performance or whatever? I had assumed that the change to using .inc 
>> directories allowed various different signatures to be held in separate 
>> files,
> This was already allowed with .cvd files. The .inc directories were introduced
> to handle incremental/scripted updates but we decided to drop them due to
> various issues with advisory locks (eg. possible clamd terminations in case
> freshclam got locked up and failed to update the database and release the db
> lock). The .cld files have a very same structure as .cvd however they're not
> digitally signed (they're created by freshclam using digitally signed .cdiff 
> files)
> and can be stored uncompressed (this a default behaviour) to make their
> loading faster.

OK, thanks for that.

Does the unsigned .cld file mean that an attack vector could be to edit 
the .cld file and thus corrupt it? I can see that the cdiff signing 
protects the path between the database servers and freshclam, but that 
protection is not available once on an end-user system.


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