Edilmar LISTAS wrote:
> Hi,
> I have used clamd for many years with Fedora, RedHat and CentOS.
> And I have a updating script that always copy "clamd" init script file
> for current version to init.d subdir.
> This script always worked fine, but now in 0.95 this contrib file isn't
> there.
> I put the script from a previous version 0.93 and it worked fine.

Hi Edilmar,

We believe that init scripts are not our job. There are simply too many
unices and distros and versions and configurations out there to be able
to keep up with all of them.
Package maintainers and sysadmins can usually do a much better job.

Moreover many scripts were flawed, not very tunable and none of them got
upgraded to the new milter...
At some point people started complaining (search this very ML archives)
and so they got removed.

Incidentally the /contrib dir is never included in the tarball release.

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