On 5/2/14, 8:34 AM, Greg Mueller wrote:
Thank you for your response
I did not install clamav, it came on a used computer.    (not the one I'm using 
to write this email)
I can't get that computer to boot at all so I can't upgrade.

I just need to get the computer to go past the block in the boot caused by 
clamav (apparently)

The stalled boot may have nothing to do with ClamAV - it could very well be the next thing that the init process is trying to start. You may find this information helpful: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/

You can boot to single user mode and explore the startup scripts and logs to see if any clues pop up. If nothing else you can attempt to disable the startup script for ClamAV and any subsequent suspicious processes.

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