On 5/2/2014 12:16 PM, Greg Mueller wrote:
I can't get to anything yet.
It won't go past the out of date adviso

It has to be something else causing the hang. That notice is just a warning message and should not affect the boot process.

Have you tried booting into single user mode? I don't know offhand how to do that with Debian, but if you can get that far, you can check the log files and see if you can find any error messages indicating what is actually stopping the boot process. If you can get there, you could also try disabling ClamAV to see if it helps.

If you can't get to single user mode, then you could download and burn a Debian (or other Linux) live cd and boot from that. Once you have that running, you can mount the partitions from the hard drive and try to find the problem.


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