Hi there,

On Thu, 21 Aug 2014, Urban Loesch wrote:

Sometiems (about 1-10 times a day) I get the following error in my logfile:

Aug 21 15:26:09 mil2 clamav-milter[26215]: Failed to create temporary file

In over a decade of running clamav-milter on multiple mail servers
I've never seen that message.  See below.

Aug 21 15:26:09 mil2 clamav-milter[26215]: Failed to initiate 

I normally only see that when I've broken something.  Permissions,
file/socket paths, configuration file syntax, whatever.

It seems that clamav-milter sometimes isn't able to create a the temporary file 
and postfix answers with a
"4.7.1 Service unavailable" message to the client.

Presumably these message do eventually make it to their destinations?

I know next to nothing about postfix, but sendmail configuration
permits the administrator to specify the action to take in the event
that a milter fails.  For example, he could configure the system to
ignore the milter failure and carry on processing mail as if the
milter were not configured.  I'd imagine that postfix would have
similar options and other than installing sendmail that would be my
first step if milters were failing.

I have many Debian machines installed, and it has often seemed to me
that some of the Debian integration leaves a little to be desired, so
my second step in a case like this would probably be to install all
the software from source.

Other ideas might include running 'tcpdump' and 'top' continuously;
maybe looking at 'vmstat'; increasing debug log verbosities if at all
possible (it would be interesting to know exactly what temporary file
can't be created, and why it can't be created); setting up a watchdog
thingumajig to PING the clamav daemon every second; and hammering the
mail server with mountains of mail that I generated specifically for
the purpose of breaking the server.

Sorry not to be able to give more direct help.


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