"4.7.1 Service unavailable" message to the client.

Am 22.08.2014 09:57, schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
This should not be a big issue, since the remote clients can resent in a
while. It only makes troubles for end-users.

On 22.08.14 10:22, Urban Loesch wrote:
The milter is only active on my incoming server. No problems with endusers, they are sending trough another outgoing server.

As I just said I my first post. Not a big problem, but not very nice to see :-)

how many mail per day?
I haven't seen this message yet...

none           tmpfs  1,0G       0  1,0G    0% /tmp

what's the TemporaryDirectory setting in clamav-milter.conf?


But for beeing secure that the ramdisk isn't the problem I moved it out of it to another temp directory (/var/tmp).

should not make the problem better, maybe even worse (/var/tmp is not on
ramdisk and does not get cleaned on boot)

I think the ramdisk is not the problem, becaue the error cames up also without the ramdisk involved.


Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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