
>> When this option is set to Yes, the
>> emails are tagged, but even emails with macro virus attachments are
>> forwarded on, not blocked
> problem is that you don't understand your mailsystem, clamd itself only
> hives back with signatures are hit and then the glue (amavis oder
> clamav-milter or something like that) makes decisions what happens with the
> message

No, I understand my mail system. You are assuming I don't understand
the mail system because it's easy for you to answer in that way rather
than look at the whole context of the post. I never said that I
expected clamav to actually block the viruses itself. Of course I
understand amavisd is responsible for that. In case there was some
confusion before, let it be known I understand clamav is not
responsible for the destiny of the email.

I'm talking about the clamav option OLE2BlockMacros option. This is a
clamav option, not an amavis option.

Maybe I should have stated my question more simply:

What is the purpose of the OLE2BlockMacros option? What happens when
it's set to "Yes"? What happens when it's set to "No"?
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