Am 11.04.2018 um 10:24 schrieb
> On my Raspbian system htop reports clamd runs with the -foreground=true
> option, although I have commented that out in the configs. 
> What does that option mean? Is background better? And if so, how can I get
> the clam moving there? 

foreground means it don't do forking and that's bad when you have other
services like a milter which rely on clamd are fully initalized which
can take some time because loading of signatures

Historical or not, Type=forking is necessary if you need to be able to
order other services on the Type=forking service. Type determines the
readiness protocol used by systemd. In the case of Type=simple, there is
no protocol. systemd assumes that as soon as the binary is exec'd, the
service is available. For Type=forking, services are considered ready
after the MainPID exits (after the double fork), allowing for time to
setup sockets or other resources needed to handle client requests (e.g.
a database server or a web server). If you use the Type, you may find
that dependent services fail to startup properly, as their dependencies
aren't actually ready when systemd declares them to be.

> BTW, I couldn't find that kind of info in the manual or online. Should I
> have looked for it elsewhere? 
yes, in the init-scripts or systemd-units
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