El mié, 25-04-2018 a las 10:53 +0000, Richard Tappenden escribió:
> Hey guys - can you answer a couple of questions? 
> Can we configure clamd to scan *any* file type/extension, or does it
> only scan certain ones? 
> Can we increase max size beyond 4gb? 
> Is scanning on a mounted drive/network share feasible, and what are
> the effects on performance? 
> TIA :)
> Richard Tappenden | Principal Developer
> Huddle – Transform the way you work!
> richard.tappen...@huddle.com | T: +44 (0)8709 772 212


At least in Linux, is possible to scan remote, mounted drives using
ClamAV. It is irrelevant if they are Windows or Linux filesystems. I
have no experience with Mac.

You need the smbnetfs. After installing it, and chosing the convenient
user for the interaction, you have to create in its directory a .smb
textfile. I must contain a copy of your local /etc/smb.conf file and a
copy of the /etc/smbnetfs.conf.

Let's suppose that the chosen user is root, and that you'll mount the
remote drives under /media (or /mnt, as you like). Open a console, and
in the user directory type
smbnetfs mounting-point (smbnetfs /media)
smbnetfs -o mounting-point

if the mounting point is currently used.

Then you'll have under /media the structure of the remote drives and
workstations in the network. Now you can launch
clamscan -r workstation

and you'll can scan the shared drives. At least on Debian 7.x it works.

I hope this will help. 
M.Sc. Alberto García Fumero
Usuario Linux 97 138, registrado 10/12/1998
No son las horas que pones en tu trabajo lo que cuenta, sino el trabajo
que pones en esas horas.

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