When I tried to specify a limit beyond 4 GB using the "--max-filesize"
or "--max-scansize" options, clamscan didn't allow it. Has that been
fixed in the new ".100" release?

On Wed, 25 Apr 2018 10:53:28 +0000
Richard Tappenden <richard.tappen...@huddle.com> wrote:

> Hey guys - can you answer a couple of questions? 
> Can we configure clamd to scan *any* file type/extension, or does it
> only scan certain ones? 
> Can we increase max size beyond 4gb? 
> Is scanning on a mounted drive/network share feasible, and what are
> the effects on performance? 
> TIA :)
> Richard Tappenden | Principal Developer
> Huddle – Transform the way you work!
> richard.tappen...@huddle.com | T: +44 (0)8709 772 212
> Ninian Solutions Ltd (trading as Huddle) is registered in England &
> Wales at Aldgate Tower, 2 Leman Street, London, UK (company number
> 05777111) and its U.S subsidiary Huddle Inc., a Delaware Corporation,

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