Alex via clamav-users wrote:

I have a fedora34 system with clamd-0.103.5 and amavisd/SA/postfix. I
have a newsletter from that keeps getting blocked because it
apparently contains in the body somewhere, although I can't
find it.

How do I exclude this email from being tagged without having to bypass
the Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain rule altogether?

Putting aside all of the "why are you idiots sending mail that triggers this test in the first place" grumpiness at the senders, I'd recommend redesigning your mail flow so that this is only triggered in a Clam instance whose results are score in SpamAssassin or some other layer where this particular test can be scored alongside other things.

I gave up chasing FPs on it when used as a hard pass/fail check. Too many places that should really know better... apparently don't. :/ (Seriously, why are so many places using URL shorteners as the link targets in HTML mail? It's not like the eleventy-gazillion characters of clicktracker are taking up visual space in the message...)

If you still want to press on, look up the ".wdb" signature file (seems to be available at now), and add lines similar to these:


I sometimes had to fiddle and guess and shorten and lengthen and swap the URI elements to get it to properly match and exclude the link from this test; good luck.

Also, I keep deleting the main.cvd database but it keeps replacing it.
How do I configure clamav so it only updates one of the main database

clamscan -v virus-20220228T143424-suCp6LTlKRG5
LibClamAV Warning: Detected duplicate databases
/var/lib/clamav/main.cvd and /var/lib/clamav/main.cld, please manually
remove one of them

O_o That's a new one on me. I don't recall ever having spontaneously had both regenerate, and IIRC it's been a while since I've even seen the .cvd on live systems I maintain. (At a quick look, all of them seem to just have the .cld files.) Maybe remove the file, and run freshclam -D to see if that gives any more detail about what's going on? Maybe remove the .cld and see what freshclam does? Maybe remove *ALL* files in the ClamAV database directory path, and let freshclam download complete fresh copies of everything?



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