On Jul 2, 2022, at 6:33 PM, Grant Taylor via clamav-users 
<clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:
> I assume you are saying that "regularly" specifies what the cadence is.
> To which I maintain no it does not.
> I file my taxes /regularly/.  Read /yearly/.
> I eat meals /regularly/.  Read /multiple/ /times/ /a/ /day/.
> Halley's Comet passes the Earth /regularly/.  Read /every/ /75/ /years/.
> Ergo /regularly/ can have wildly different cadences.
> ...
> But I feel like the comments, especially the lack of definition of the 
> /cadence/ of regularly fails to account for someone using a web browser to 
> download files once every three years.
>> When people download 185 Mbytes instead of downloading a few kilobytes to 
>> get the same result it incurs very significant, unnecessary costs which are 
>> borne by those who provide the data - free of charge - to people who are 
>> routinely abusing the service.  And they've been asked not to do it, so, 
>> well, it's just rude!
> I would find it suspicious if someone were to say that downloading 185 MB 
> once every three years is abuse of a system.

There used to be limits on the number of time you could run freshclam, as 
memory serves it was four times an hour unless you did something specific 
(which I’ve forgotten) allowing it to be run more often, but lots has changed 
since then.

The most important thing for you to understand is that the ClamAV signature 
database is almost never updated more than once a day, around 9am GMT, plus or 
minus a half hour. And since running freshclam when there isn’t any new update 
only checks your local DNS there is no impact on any CDN so it’s strictly up to 
you on how often you want to waste computer and  Internet time to run that DNS 
check and how critical you feel it necessary to have an update as soon as 
possible after it’s posted. I see mine is set at four times a day, though I 
don’t recall how I came up with that number and can’t really recommend what 
cadence needs to mean in your case.

CalmXAV User

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