Hi, Etienne,

On Sat, 2004-03-13 at 18:08, Etienne Gagnon wrote:
> While importing Classpath into sablevm-classpath, using the
> "classpath-0_08-release" tag, I notice that you are resuscitating
> some files such as ./configure.in.  Why isn't this file left
> into the Attic?  Maybe it's just a tagging mistake.
> A good test, for a tag, is to do:
>   cvs export -r tagname -d test classpath
> then compare:
>   diff -r classpath test | sort | less
> So, maybe a thing to fix in 0.09?  ;-)  [It's considered bad
> practice (and it is painful in CVS) to change an existing tag.
> So, I recommend not changing the release-0_08-release tag.]

Drat. Sorry about that. Yes, I made a mistake while tagging. I had
tested everything, up to and including a complete make distcheck and a
mauve and vte test run on another clean machine, but then went back to
my development machine for the final cvs tag. And of course did it in
the wrong working directory... I had hoped that I had done the
re-tagging correctly, but forgot about the old files. I should have send
a warning to the list.

Thanks for the list of files erroneously tagged.
I looked at the cvs documentation and it seems that you can remove tags
from Attic files using rtag -a but I am a bit afraid that might mess up
the tagging even more. I promise to do better for 0.09. For now please
check a cvs checkout against the official classpath-0.08.tar.gz file.
Or does someone know the magic command to make it all right in the



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