
On Sat, 2004-03-13 at 21:30, Etienne Gagnon wrote:
> It's so much easier with Subversion... ;-P  You know: Subversion is now
> officially released (1.0.0)!  Maybe it's time for Classpath to consider
> migrating?

No kidding :) I did a 'cvs rtag -aR classpath-0_08-release classpath'
which seems to have done the trick. So you get a 'clean' 0.08 release
with 'cvs export -r classpath-0_08-release classpath' now.
(But I recommend the release tar.gz file for normal devs since it also
contains the generated auto* file, including a configure script.)

Having subversion as a better CVS would be nice indeed. Hope Savannah
will support it in the future. But I was actually hoping Graydon would
tell us a bit more about his Monotone <http://www.venge.net/monotone/>
experiment. Of which he is the main author and which he was using to
sync the gcj head and gui branches. Since we have multiple
non-centralized development trees (classpath, gcc/libjava,
sablevm-classpath, kaffe/libraries/javalib, etc) each with their own
branches it seems a distributed version control system might be a real
win for making collaborating easier.



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