On Sat, 2004-03-13 at 18:51, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> [...]
> -------------------
> - Download
> http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/jamvm/jamvm-1.1.1.tar.gz
> - tar zxf jamvm-1.1.1.tar.gz
> - cd jamvm-1.1.1
> - patch -p0 < VMClassLoader.patch (attached to this email)
>   [This step is only necessary if you want to try out the new regex
>    support. It makes sure the bootstrap classloader can load some
>    property files needed by gnu.regex. It isn't the nicest solution, but
>    it works for now. Robert will probably come up with a better patch.
>    The patch assumes that classpath is installed in the default
>    location, please edit VMClassLoader.java if you used a --prefix
>    argument while installing classpath above.]

Forgot to add that you need to
- rm lib/classes.tar

Jamvm comes with precompiled classes and won't recompile your changed
sources except when you explicitly remove the classes.tar file first. 

> - ./configure && make && make install
>   (Read the INSTALL file for configure options like
>    --classpath_install_dir=/some/dir when you installed GNU Classpath
>    with a non-default --prefix)
> Now don't forget to UNZIP the GNU Classpath glibj.zip file.
> [This is only necessary for runtime environments like jamvm that don't
> support zip files for their bootstrap classes. YOU WILL FORGET THIS ONE
> - cd /usr/local/classpath/share/classpath/
> - unzip glibj.zip
> Make sure /usr/local/bin is in your path and you should be able to write
> a simple
> - echo 'public class Hello { public static void main(String[] args) { 
> System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }' > Hello.java
> Compile it with
> - gcj -C Hello.java
> or
> - jikes --bootclasspath /usr/local/classpath/share/classpath/glibj.zip Hello.java
> And run it with
> - jamvm Hello

> -------------
> [...]
>   (11135 PASSes and 227 FAILs)
> Full results (60K gzipped) for my system can be found at
> http://www.klomp.org/mark/classpath/jamvm-1.1.1-cp-0.08.results.gz

Since I did actually forget the rm lib/classes.tar before creating these
results the old version had FAILs for the new regex tests. I uploaded a
new version of the results file (13202 PASSes and 226 FAILs).

> --------------------------------
> Almost the same as above (export CVSROOT and cvs login should be done
> already).
> - cvs checkout wonka
> - cd wonka
> - Read the README
> - jikes -bootclasspath /usr/local/classpath/share/classpath/glibj.zip \
>         `find com -name \*.java`
> - jamvm com.acunia.wonka.test.awt.VisualTestEngine `cat tests.list`
> - Click around! [Yes, I know the colors are painful to the eyes...]

I should have mentioned that there is a Test.java and TestAWT.java in
Classpath CVS (gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk) which also show some simpler AWT
things (without setting the colors to all kind of interesting values, so
it looks more like your normal Gnome/Gtk+ applications).



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