On Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:30:55 GMT, Alisen Chung <ach...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > Yes, there is some disconnect. For all OS (MAC with above changes) print 
> > range is working properly only with following values firstPage =0 and 
> > lastPage =-1 at **RasterPrinterJob.java** and highly depend on 
> > **pageRangesAttr** . I don't think there is any issue with native code, 
> > with this change I have brought MAC same as other OS.
> Shouldn't the solution then be to fix the issue with RasterPrinterJob.java 
> not working properly with correct firstPage and lastPage values?

The first question to answer here is whether the page range is set and 
preserved in the print job attributes.

I haven't looked into it, but I presume this is the case. The page range could 
be handled on the Java level, it may not be passed to the native level at all. 
What I mean is that JDK uses the page range to print the specified pages.

The implementation on macOS could be adjusted in a similar way, as I said in 
[my previous 
comment](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/19740#issuecomment-2183359828). It 
should be possible to print a range of pages (which can consist of several 
intervals) without displaying the Print dialog, thus the `PageRanges` should be 

As far as I understand, the `SunPageSelection.RANGE` attribute is somewhat 
informational, and specifies that `PageRanges` attribute is set.

> It also looks like the indices are different between macOS and java. Perhaps 
> there's code somewhere that should have but hasn't converted the indices over?

It's true. Different classes use different indices. The intervals in 
`PageRanges` count pages from 1 whereas `PrinterJob` uses 0-based indexing.

According to Apple documentation, 
 returns `YES` if the range is known, in which case the 
 structure contains the range of pages, and the pages start from 1.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19740#issuecomment-2194389772

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