On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Stuart Halloway

> Hi all,
> I am playing around with using Clojure to control Ant, something along
> the lines of Groovy's Gant. I don't know how far I will take this--
> right now it is serving as a code example for the book.
> Two questions:
> (1) Anybody interested in seeing lancet carried forward into a real
> project?

Yes, I hate ant and pretty much anything would be better!  I might have
some time to help out with the implementation.

> (2) Below is an example of lancet syntax (compare with Clojure's own
> build.xml). Any big likes/dislikes?

No complaints from me.  I like the syntax.

> Cheers,
> Stuart
> (project {:name "clojure" :default "jar"}
>  (properties :src "src"
>             :jsrc (i :src "/jvm")
>             :cljsrc (i :src "/clj")
>             :build "classes"
>             :clojure_jar "clojure.jar"
>             :bootclj (i :cljsrc "/clojure/boot.clj"))
>  (target {:name "test"}
>   (echo {:message "init target"}))
>  (target {:name "compile" :depends "init"
>          :description "Compile Java sources."}
>   (javac {:srcdir (i :jsrc) :destdir (i :build)
>          :includejavaruntime "yes"
>          :debug "true"
>          :target "1.5"}))
>  (target {:name "init"}
>   (tstamp)
>   (mkdir {:dir (i :build)}))
>  (target {:name "clean"
>          :description "Remove autogenerated files and directories"}
>   (delete {:dir (i :build)}))
> )
> >

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