
You are absolutely right, and I hope to have all your syntax  
suggestions implemented tomorrow.

By way of background: When I started, it seemed there were three  
obvious avenues to pursue:

(1) write a Clojure DSL that generates the Ant XML
(2) write a Clojure DSL that sticks close to the underlying Ant object  
(3) stick to Clojure idioms and use individual Ant classes when they  
fit in

I rejected #1 out of hand--I don't think that the Ant XML has value,  
and so wrapping it (and having it leak in the form of error messages)  
was unappealing.

I picked #2 because I thought there were a ton of objects in the Ant  
model I would end up wanting, and that they would be so intertwined  
that I would need to use most of them in order to use any of them.

A few hours working on #2 was enough to convince me that there not  
much in Ant that I wanted to keep. In particular targets, properties,  
and subtask elements aren't worth their weight. That leaves only tasks  
(and a stubbed-out project object).

So now I am proceeding through door #3. The work on #2 wasn't a total  
waste -- I now know enough of the Ant object model to fake out the few  
things I need (so far).


> On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 01:48:43PM -0500, Stuart Halloway wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am playing around with using Clojure to control Ant, something  
>> along
>> the lines of Groovy's Gant. I don't know how far I will take this--
>> right now it is serving as a code example for the book.
>> Two questions:
>> (1) Anybody interested in seeing lancet carried forward into a real
>> project?
> Oh yes please! I had started playing around with something like  
> this, got
> far enough to compile some Java source (a static base for some  
> Clojure code
> of course), and haven't really touched it sense.
>> (2) Below is an example of lancet syntax (compare with Clojure's own
>> build.xml). Any big likes/dislikes?
> I've never liked XML DSLs because they lack standard general purpose
> language features and go on to invent their own ad-hoc versions.
> Is a property not just a 'def' ?
> Is a target not a just function? (which only performs its actions if  
> needed)
> Isn't a project just a mapping from target names to functions, and  
> dynamic
> bindings during the build process?
> ; properties
> (def src "src")
> (def jsrc (str src "/jvm"))
> (def cljsrc (str src "/clj"))
> (def target "classes")
> (def clojure.jar "clojure.jar")
> (def bootclj (str cljsrc "/clojure/boot.clj"))
> ; deftarget is like defn but takes no args, and wraps the body in  
> machinery
> ; that will only call it once per session.
> (deftarget clean
>  "Remove autogenerated files and directories"
>  (delete :dir target))
> (deftarget init
>  (tstamp)
>  (mkdir :dir target))
> (deftarget compile-java
>  "Compile java sources"
>  (init)
>  (javac :srcdir jsrc :destdir target
>         :includejavaruntime true
>         :debug true
>         :target "1.5"))
> A project could be defined explicitly, or could be created through
> reflection (deftarget would also add some metadata in that case)
> This syntax seems Clojurish rather than happens-to-be-on-Clojure. I  
> think it
> shows off both the cognitive simplicity of FP and the powerful  
> incremental
> nature of a Lisp based internal DSL.
> Regards,
> Steve
> >

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