2008/11/28 Martin DeMello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> No, I'd be perfectly happy with a command line tool that could analyse
> my clojure program and tell me what imports I'm missing - I just don't
> want to have to tediously go through the javadocs one by one and see,
> for instance, that I need java.awt.Polygon but java.awt.geom.Point2D.
> The reason I wondered if this were clojure-specific is that java
> programs might well be easier to statically analyse than clojure ones.

Ah, I see.   Well, I am not sure how you would go about writing something
like this but surely if all you are interested in is a list of missing
imports, you will get that when you try to evaluate your code, right?  For
instance, for this script:

(def d Date)
(def r Random)

I get the following when I send the forms to the REPL:

java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: Date in this context
java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: Random in this context


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