A couple more updates to these:

> (defn random-permutation [s]
>   "Return a random permutation of this seq."
>   (let [arr (to-array s) len (alength arr)]
>     (dotimes [i (dec len)]
>       (let [r (+ i (rand-int (- len i))),
>             prev (aget arr i)]
>         (aset arr i (aget arr r))
>         (aset arr r prev)))
>      (seq arr)))

Per [1] this thread,

(defn shuffle-java
  "Shuffles coll using a Java ArrayList. Blows shuffle out of the
water on
  speed and space."
  (let [l (ArrayList. coll)]
    (Collections/shuffle l)
    (seq l)))

is both much simpler and much much much faster than my implementation.

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/browse_thread/thread/180842eb58c58370

> (defmacro lazy-get "Like get but lazy about evaluating the default
> value"
>   [m k d]
>   `(if-let [pair# (find ~m ~k)]
>        (second pair#)
>      ~d))

This should be

(defmacro lazy-get "Like get but lazy about evaluating the default
   [m k d]
   `(if-let [pair# (find ~m ~k)]
        (val pair#)

Changing the "second" to a "val" speeds both this and safe-get up by
more than a factor of 4! [2]

[2] http://w01fe.com/blog/2009/01/more-on-clojure-map-accessor-speeds/

Also, once again (Chouser?), is there anything I can do to help
implement the changes we've talked about?  I can try to make patches
for the changes in core, and/or improve and document other utilities
for clojure.contrib, if that would be helpful.

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