Thanks Rich!  :-)

> , 2009, at 11:25 AM, David Nolen wrote:
>> butlast, doall, dorun, doseq, dosync, dotimes, doto, fnseq, gensym,
>> macroexpand, macroexpand-1, mapcat, nthrest
>> -1
>> Because they are similar to other Lisps I assume.  The same reason
>> for println vs print-line. Changing these are a bad idea in IMHO.
>> Breaking the meaning of rest with Common Lisp is a consideration to
>> take seriously.  However as long as the documentation clearly states
>> (highlights in big bold colors ;) this difference (and the fact the
>> operation is support by next) then I think this is a change people
>> can live with.
> Changing these names is not on the table.
> Rich
> >

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