I'm trying to port some Python code to Clojure.  I'm new to functional
programming and I hit a function that is causing my brain to melt.
The python function looks something like this:

def build_table():
    num_cols = 3
    selected_row = 0
    selected_col = 0
    strings = ["cat", "dog", "", "rabbit", "frog", "elephant",

    row, col = 0, 0
    table_contents = "<table cellpadding=30 bgcolor=#6666aa>\n<tr>\n"
    for string in strings:
        if string == "":

        if col >= num_cols:
            row += 1
            col = 0
            table_contents += "</tr>\n<tr>"

        def new_cell():
            bg_color = "cfcfdf"
            if(col == selected_col and row == selected_row):
                bg_color = "d0e0ff"
            return "<td bgcolor=#" + bg_color + ">" + \
                   "<font color=#0000cc>" + string[0] + \
                   "</font>" + string[1:] + "</td>\n"
        table_contents += new_cell()

        col += 1

    table_contents += "</tr>\n</table>"
    return table_contents

If someone could please demonstrate how to do this in Clojure, I think
it would greatly help my understanding of the language and functional
programming in general.
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