I found this question interesting for two reasons:

(1) A selected item has been specified which needs to be handled
differently - at first glance suggests an iterative solution.
(2) There is good support for html in clojure via libraries, so you
should avoid string concatenation of tags.

So here is my solution:

Notably it bolds the selected item without any iteration, and returns
a list representation of the html instead of a string. I'm not
familiar with the html libraries to render this representation so
forgive any inconsistencies there, but the output is:

(:table (:tr (:item (:bold "cat")) (:item "dog") (:item "")) (:tr
(:item "rabbit") (:item "frog") (:item "elephant")))
Which will be validated by the rendering library, giving an additional
security that it is correct.

In order to deal with the 'selected item' I had to jump through some
hoops to treat collections as vectors and use assoc on that. Is there
perhaps a more elegant way? Overall though I hope it is a good example
of how and why it is a good idea to avoid string catting and instead
think of the problem in terms of creating a structure.

Really you are building a tree based upon some inputs. I'd be
interested in other ways the tree could be constructed.


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