
Am 16.03.2009 um 22:44 schrieb Laurent PETIT:

In french, we have a sentence for that, that would translate literally into "eat the banana by both ends at the same time".

I don't think top-down and bottom-up programming are antogonists. I often do both at the same time myself.

According to Paul Graham, this is a one aspect of Lisp:
working both ways at the same time. Top-down for the
program logic and bottom-up by building small helpers
and macros.

My remark was pointed at the fact, that before it was
claimed, that the one way doesn't work in Clojure and
one has to go the other. And then the same person
goes on to contradict him(or her?)self. But be it...

To say something more constructive for the discussion:
here Rich's original answer on the matter:



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