On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 6:21 AM, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Overall, I'm getting feature requests (more change!) and not a strong
> drive for 1.0 stability. If you feel otherwise, please speak up.
> Otherwise, my conclusion is that 1.0 may be more important for not-yet-
> users wary of working from source.

I'm all for feature requests, but it's worth keeping in mind that some
feature requests make more sense at this stage than others.  I'd like
to see 1.0 include the sorts of feature requests that people have made
that complete, round out, or refine the existing functionality.

For example things that have been suggested here like:
* compare should work on lists and sequences, doing lexicographic
comparison like vectors
* merge functionality of repeat and replicate into one function and
deprecate the other.
* figure out what contrib functions should belong in the core.

It seems like once those sorts of changes have been made, it's worth
stamping a 1.0 label on everything before plowing ahead with the more
visionary changes such as streams, multimethod enhancements,
distributed systems, etc.

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