On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 2:20 PM, ztellman<ztell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You may have already seen this and decided Cloggle was a bit more to
> your liking, but I'm also working on a JOGL wrapper called Penumbra
> ( http://github.com/ztellman/penumbra/tree/master ).  Documentation is
> thin, but here are some demos in the src/examples subdirectory to
> illustrate usage.  At the very least, it may give you some ideas.

I don't know if this is relevant for you game developers or not, but I
used a LWJGL some time way back. I think it's a procedural API
(semi-automatic translation of the C API IIRC, only static methods in
Java), compared to the more objectified one from JOGL (GL context).
But I haven't done anything 3D in recent years, so I don't know how
they stack up, or if it's even relevant for you.

On a related note there's also the jMonkeyEngine, a 3D scene graph
implementation on top of either LWJGL or JOGL (I think LWJGL support
was first and maybe still better). Might be interesting to you, but it
will not use Clojure's approach to mutability (obviously), so this as
well might be a fit or not.

Hope that helps, otherwise ignore ;)


[1] http://www.lwjgl.org/
[2] http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/

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