I've been trying out the new branch, and on the whole I like it a lot.
 I know it'll take some time to learn how do things properly the "new"
way, and I've figured out how to do most of the things I want to do
thus far.  Thanks, Rich!

One thing I haven't figured out how to do cleanly without inheritance
is to specify "properties" of objects in a hierarchical domain in a
clean, efficient way.  I'm sure I haven't fully wrapped my head around
the new abstractions, so I'd love to hear about a clean way to solve
this problem.

A very simple example is: I have a protocol "A", and sub-protocols
"A1" and "A2".  Every A is either an A1 or A2, but not both (and this
split is closed, as far as I'm concerned).  Sometimes I want to deal
with instances of A1 and A2 together, and so I put the methods shared
between all "As" in protocol "A".  But, at some point I need to
separate out the "A1"s from the "A2"s.  To do this, it seems like I
have at least three options:

1.  Add an "is-A1" method to Protocol A.  The problem with this option
is that every type that derives from A1 needs to manually write out
this method returning "true", and vice-versa for implementers of A2.
Users could eliminate this by "extending" their types with a mixin map
to A, rather than implementing it directly in the deftype.  But, this
sacrifices readability (IMO) as well as efficiency.

2.  use (satisfies? A1 x) to determine if x satisfies A1.  The main
problem with this, at least currently, is that satisfies? seems to be
really slow in the negative case.  I profiled my (non-trivial) program
and half the runtime was going to reflection in satisfies?  Moreover,
this solution is not as general.

3.  Use a multimethod.  This would work generally and be reasonably
efficient, but I feel like I'd be cluttering up my interface by mixing
up protocols and multimethods.  On the other hand, I guess
multimethods are the main (only?) hierarchical construct built into
Clojure, so maybe this is what's intended.

So, which do people feel is preferred?  Or have I missed a better


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