It looks like you've got things pretty well figured out.  If you're curious 
about the general case, #cake.clj on freenode may be of some help.

On Apr 25, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Sam Aaron <> wrote:

> Hi George,
> On 25 Apr 2011, at 17:35, George Jahad wrote:
>> Can you set breakpoints and catch exceptions per the "test drive" in
>> the doc?
> Sort of. I'm not sure if I'm just doing the wrong things, but when execute
> (difference #{1 2} #{2 3})
> after setting:
> (set-bp clojure.set/difference)
> I get a nice buffer popping up:
> CDT BreakpointEvent in thread Swank REPL Thread
> From here you can: e/eval, v/show source, s/step, x/next, o/exit func        
> Restarts:  
> 0: [QUIT] Quit to the SLIME top level
> Backtrace:
>  0: clojure.set$difference.invoke(set.clj:48)
>  1: user$eval3070.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
>  2: clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
>  3: clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
>  4: clojure.core$eval.invoke(core.clj:2382)
> --more--        
> When I press e the mini buffer prompts me to "Eval in frame:" and I propmpty 
> type s1 to see the following error in the minibuffer:
> Unexpected exception generated: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid 
> method
> This stuff is all new to me, so I'm likely to be doing something silly.
>> for my reference, which os/version/
>> java version are you using?
> λ java -version
> java version "1.6.0_24"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07-334-10M3326)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02-334, mixed mode)
> on OS X 10.6.7
>> Also, it sounds like cake setup if significantly different and I don't
>> know anything about Cake.  If you can generalize your setup and send
>> it to me, I'll add it to the docs.
> I think the version I was describing before was over complicated for a basic 
> 'getting started' doc. I was attempting to get swank-clojure/CDT set up so 
> that it worked on all my projects without needing to explicitly add/change 
> anything. This is clearly something to strive for *after* I've managed to get 
> it working in the simplest case!
> Here's a simpler version of the setup:
> In a fresh new project (created with `cake new bar`)
> I edited the project.clj as follows:
> λ cat project.clj
> (defproject bar "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
>  :description "TODO: add summary of your project"
>  :dependencies [[clojure "1.2.0"]]
>  :dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure "1.4.0-SNAPSHOT"]
>                     [clojure-source "1.2.0"]])
> and created a file called config and placed it in .cake with the following 
> contents:
> λ cat .cake/config 
> jvm.opts = -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n
> I then pulled the deps with `cake deps`. My lib contains the following:
> λ tree lib
> lib
> ├── clojure-1.2.0.jar
> ├── deps.clj
> └── dev
>    ├── cdt-
>    ├── clojure-source-1.2.0.jar
>    ├── debug-repl-0.3.1.jar
>    └── swank-clojure-1.4.0-20110417.030036-3.jar
> 1 directory, 6 files
> I can then start swank:
> λ cake swank
> Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 62404
> started swank-clojure server on port 4005
>> please keep me posted about any other issues you find!
> Will do!
> Sam
> ---
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