Consider this ordinary way of defining a dynamic variable:

    user=> (def ^:dynamic *dynamo* 3)

As you'd expect, you can rebind:

    user=> (binding [*dynamo* "new value"] *dynamo*)
    "new value"

The metadata tells you why:

    user=> (meta #'*dynamo*)
    {:ns #<Namespace user>, :name *dynamo*, :dynamic true, :line 1, :file ...}

Now let's make another variable with `intern`, copying the metadata from 

    user=> (intern *ns* (with-meta '*copy* (meta #'*dynamo*)) *dynamo*)

Same metadata (except for the name):

    user=> (meta #'*copy*)
    {:ns #<Namespace user>, :name *copy*, :dynamic true, :line 1, :file ...}

But you can't rebind:

    user=> (binding [*copy* "new value"] *copy*)
    IllegalStateException Can't dynamically bind non-dynamic var: user/*copy*  
clojure.lang.Var.pushThreadBindings (


Brian Marick, Artisanal Labrador
Now working at
Contract programming in Ruby and Clojure
Occasional consulting on Agile

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