On Oct 12, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Armando Blancas wrote:

>> The metadata tells you why:
>>     user=> (meta #'*dynamo*)
>>     {:ns #<Namespace user>, :name *dynamo*, :dynamic true, :line 1, :file 
>> ...}
> The var tells you why:
> user=> (.isDynamic (var *dynamo*))
> true

The mere human who has not read Var.java is not going to know about its methods 
(or are they a documented part of the interface?)  The debugging-person 
presented with a variable that's not behaving dynamically might well look at 
the metadata to see what's up. 

> user=> (.isDynamic (var *copy*))
> false
> user=> (.setDynamic (var *copy*))
> #'user/*copy*
> user=> (binding [*copy* "new value"] *copy*)
> "new value"

Can you think of a reason why a person might use the `(intern *ns* (with-meta 
symbol))` idiom and *not* want isDynamic-ness to be copied?

Seems to me that if you're going to use metadata to communicate intention about 
dynamic binding in *one* way of creating a new var, you should do it with *all* 
ways of creating a new var.

Brian Marick, Artisanal Labrador
Now working at http://path11.com
Contract programming in Ruby and Clojure
Occasional consulting on Agile

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