El viernes 24 de febrero de 2012 18:46:03 UTC+1, Cedric Greevey escribió:
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:30 AM, JuanManuel Gimeno Illa wrote:
> > I think it would be better to create the lazy-seq over a function that 
> uses
> > the pieces in order to not to explode input with partition-all and
> > de-explode it with map-first before the recursive call.
> That hangs on the case
> (first (second (split-at-subsequence [1 2] (range))))
> again. I don't know why; from what I can see, it shouldn't, since
> everything seems sufficiently lazy.
My third version does this and I think  does not hang on the example.

Maybe could also use some optimization:
> (defn split-at-subsequence [mark input]
>   (when-let [sequence (seq input)]
>     (let [len      (count mark)
>           pieces   (partition-all len 1 sequence)
>           step (fn step [rst-input]
>                  (when rst-input
>                    (lazy-seq
>                      (let [[fst rst] (split-with #(not= mark %) rst-input)]
>                      (cons fst (step (nthnext rst len)))))))]
>       (map #(map first %) (remove nil? (map seq (step pieces)))))))
> This avoids computing len and pieces and (map first ...) over and
> over, and uses nthnext instead of drop to save some calls to seq. 

> The
> split-with could be replaced by a loop to save traversing part of the
> sequence twice, but then it would definitely be impossible to fix the
> hang with (first (second (split-at-subsequence [1 2] (range)))).
What I don't understand of your solution is the (map seq (step pieces)) 
because for me it is clear that each of the sequences generated by step is 
a seq, so why do you need to seq it?

It's probably possible to do quite a bit better, though, perhaps by
> using Boyer-Moore, though I'm not sure how easily Boyer-Moore can be
> made lazy, especially lazy enough to avoid than hang.
Interesting ....

Juan Manuel 

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