To cite some concrete examples:


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On Oct 1, 11:09 pm, nchurch <> wrote:
> I put together the Getting Started confluence page.  I'm sure it could
> still be improved, but adding further to it won't really fix the
> problems you've noticed, and that many other people have noted.  It's
> still on a secondary site, and Confluence doesn't really give you a
> lot of design options----also ordinary Clojure Contributors don't have
> the ability to \delete existing pages, so new material will for now
> just add clutter on the sidebar.
> At least one respected Clojurian that I know of has offered to write a
> new site, but replacing or updating it has not been a
> priority.
> Brent is right that you can find what you need on without
> it being "pretty", but the current (and now quite old) site sends new
> users some messages we may not necessarily intend:
> 1. People hoping merely to Get Something Done will be looking to a
> streamlined site as evidence that they won't have to waste too much
> time getting up and running with their work.  These users will note,
> consciously or not, that the information they really need is one among
> many choices buried on a link off the bottom of a page linked from the
> \sixth subheading on the sidebar of the main site.  (Yes, Getting
> Started apparently falls under 'Reference'----which is itself
> secondary to 'Swag'.)
> 2. People looking to make a creative contribution will look for
> evidence that what they have to offer is valued.  If that contribution
> is tools for building well-designed websites, will not
> give the impression that anyone in the community would care.  This
> impression would be false, but you'd have to look quite a bit harder
> to realize this.
> Some people may not mind turning away new user #1; but turning away
> new user #2 is unfortunate in any possible world.
> If I wanted to give someone an elevator pitch for Clojure, I'd admit
> that it is new and has some rough edges; but that it offers tremendous
> flexibility, power, and concision; and that it is evolving into an
> environment where an entire web application, from data all the way up
> to presentation, can be written in the same carefully-designed
> language and environment.
> That's \huge, but it doesn't come across in at all.
> On Oct 1, 2:13 pm, aboy021 <> wrote:
> > I decided to quickly compare the website experience of starting Clojure and
> > starting Scala.
> > I do a Google search for Clojure
> > I decide to try the first link,
> > There's some basic information. I follow the somewhat obscure link halfway
> > down the side, "Getting Started"
> > Ok, that looks promising, now I can get a REPL to interact with.
> > I follow the link to the Getting Started Documentation
> > ( (isn't that where I
> > already was?)
> > Still flailing a bit, I follow the link to Mark Volkmann's Tutorial.
> > This is the first chance I've had to see what Clojure actually looks like
> > and how to program in it.
> > In stark contrast, I try searching for Scala.
> > I get presented with an appealing, nicely laid out page with large links to
> > an introduction to the language and a page on getting started.
> > There are links in an easy to navigate menu with Information about the
> > language, documentation, code examples, Software, and Developer information.
> > Now, I'm no Scala developer, but at first glance it seems like I've found a
> > great touch stone that I can use to find out what's happening in the
> > language, how it looks, what it can do for me, and I can learn how to write
> > it.
> > Another thing that the scala-lang site has is Code Examples. Code examples
> > are a really nice way for you to get a taste of how a language can solve
> > common problems, and they can give you a real sense of the flavour of the
> > language.
> > A lot of the information for Clojure seems to be there, it's just not laid
> > out in an attractive easy to use format. Perhaps we could have a fundraiser
> > to pay for a web designer to make a nice modern website that contains the
> > information in an easier to digest and more centralised way
> > The getting started issue is an ongoing problem for Clojure. It's an issue
> > that keeps coming up in the surveys and on the mailing list. Other
> > languages are doing it really well, Scala is just a convenient example.
> > What does the Clojure community need to do to help support the creation of
> > something that is on par?

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