jasonbrooks added a new comment to an issue you are following:
> @jasonbrooks. at least one other possible interpretation of "rolling" is that 
> we consume from rawhide and don't take Number release content. This would 
> prevent "large change" upgrades like when going from f24 to f25, but would be 
> problematic for other reasons.

How large are the changes, really? IMO the biggest and most disruptive 
component in Fedora Atomic is the kernel, and that rolls within major releases 
already, w/ no user choice or opt-in, short of not installing the update.

> I can accept your definition of rolling (although, I'm not sure if we should 
> call it rolling) with some tweaks:

I didn't introduce the term "rolling" in this discussion -- my question is not 
rolling or not rolling, my question is why, if we support a single stream of 
content, do we not deliver that single stream of content in a single stream. If 
we want to call that rolling, great, but we can call it anything.

> rather than making the "atomic host upgrade" automatically go from 25->26, 
> make it a bit of a bigger deal. options:
> we make "autmatically upgrading across major version boundaries" configurable 
> and "opt in"
> we enhance the interface to let the user know about the pending EOL and the 
> move to the new major version

I don't like it. You choose whether or not to upgrade your system. There's the 
opt in/out. If you choose upgrades, why not deliver the bits we're supporting?

If there's some life-support-only option, why not make that the option that 
requires user action? So, by default, you're on fedora atomic, and if you 
choose, you can optionally rebase to the life-support ref.

If f2n to f2n+1 upgrades, whether delivered via regular atomic host upgrade or 
via rebase, don't go smoothly for people, then that'll be the fault of this WG. 
If we're only actively supporting one major release at a time, this is how it 
must be. So why not make it easier/clearer?

We have the perfect software distribution mechanism for this, complete with 
rollback if the user is not happy -- let's use it, and show off our strengths. 

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