Mike Jackson schrieb:
> I have been trying to copy some files using CMake and not having much luck. 
> Note that basically the same code works fine on OS X and Linux.. 
> #-- If we are on MinGW then copy the required libraries
>       #=== Copy in the Qt Libs===
>       SET (QTLIBS 
>               libQtCore.dylib
>               libQtGui.dylib
>       )
>   FOREACH (depLib ${QTLIBS})
>               ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND (
>                       TARGET A2BinGui
>                       POST_BUILD
>                       COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
>                       ARGS -E copy ${QT_LIBRARY_DIR}/${depLib} 
>       )
>   ENDFOREACH (depLib) 
> So is there something I am missing? I get the following error when 
> mingw32-make is run:
> Error copying file "C:/Developer/SDKs/qt-4.2.2/lib/libQtCore.dylib" to 
> "C:/Workspace/a2bin/Build/Bin".
> Could someone have pity on my and let me know what I am doing wrong?
Did you thought about that there is no libQtCore.dylib and
libQtGui.dylib on windows? And why do you need to copy those libs??


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